COMISION FEDERAL DE ELECTRICIDAD: The CFE Reports Actions Carried Out In The New Normality

Comision Federal de Electricidad issued the following announcement on Sept. 22.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CFE has maintained the policy of prioritizing remote work to prevent and protect the health of our staff, reducing the modality of face-to-face work, which has allowed us to significantly reduce the impact on health by SARS COV2.

Until September 21, 19,191 people remain working remotely , which represents 23.4% of our staff and which reflects a moderate reincorporation of non-vulnerable workers to their work centers, in the states where the epidemiological traffic light has moved towards the color green.

The CFE has authorized the investment of 145.8 million pesos, through 1,772 allocations, 0.6% higher than that reported the previous week, in order to have hygiene and protection supplies for personnel.

The incidence of COVID-19 infections is 708 confirmed people, 1.9% higher than at the end of August and 7.9% compared to the previous week.Of the confirmed cases, only 17 are hospitalized, 12 stable and 5 delicate. This number represents 0.1% of the 700,580 reported yesterday by the Ministry of Health, and 0.8% of the total of our active personnel.

Also, on September 21, the Ministry of Health reported 75,754 suspected cases of contagion nationwide, and the CFE has 674, equivalent to 0.9% of the total reported by that Ministry and 0.8% in relation to our workforce of active personnel. In the month of September there is a reduction of 4.1% in relation to the month of August. Of the reported cases, 8 are hospitalized, 5 are reported delicate, the rest are kept in isolation at home.

Until yesterday, 3,520 recovered people were reported , which represents 397.2% higher than the confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection. The amount of personnel recovered is equivalent to 81.3% of the infected personnel, that is, 8 out of ten people recover satisfactorily.

We deeply regret reporting 3 deaths that occurred in the last week to reach a total of 102 deaths, the CFE authorities and the union representation have established communication with their families to provide the support they require. These deaths in the CFE represent 0.1% of the 73,697 reported by the Health authorities to date.

Today we reaffirm our commitment to keep one of the pillars of the Mexican State in operation. We will continue working for the welfare of all, united we will move forward.


Mtro. Ruben Cuevas Plancarte

Corporate Director of Administration

Original source can be found here.