COMISION FEDERAL DE ELECTRICIDAD: The CFE Reports Actions Taken on the Return to the "New Standard"

Comision Federal de Electricidad issued the following announcement on June 16.

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On June 1, the operation of the epidemiological risk traffic light of the Ministry of Health began, through which information is provided on monitoring for the regulation of the use of public space by state entity.

Currently, the traffic light is in red for 16 entities, which allows them to carry out essential activities, and 16 more entities are in orange, where non-essential activities are allowed with 30 percent of their staff; however, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic has maintained operations, providing electric power service throughout the country.

The policy adopted by the CFE to encourage remote, home and mixed work, going sporadically to its workplace, has allowed vulnerable personnel due to age or health to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection.

Until June 15, 24,438 people remain working remotely, which represents 28.9% of our personnel and a decrease of 0.1% compared to the previous week, due to the reinstatement of non-vulnerable personnel to their work centers.

For this purpose, the Corporate Administration Directorate issued the "Health Security Protocol for the Reincorporation of Activities to the Work Centers of the Federal Electricity Commission", with the purpose that all the areas that make up the CFE maintain and strengthen prevention and protection measures for personnel such as:

Dissemination of personal protection and coexistence measures inside the facilities.

Installation of access filters where the body temperature of the people who enter their work centers will be measured, as well as the timely detection of personnel with symptoms of disease (COVID-19), in order to channel them for their medical care.

Promote the use of disinfecting mats.

Reduce the mobility of staff during the working day, taking care to maintain a healthy distance in common areas.

Increase the use of digital means of communication to reduce face-to-face meetings.

Provision of protective equipment such as face masks, masks and gloves for cleaning personnel.

Mandatory establishment of the use of mouth guards for all personnel inside the facilities.

Establishment of staggered hours that reduces the concentration of personnel at the entrances of work centers.

Periodic sanitation of property and transportation equipment.

Delimitation of work areas.

Installation of acrylics in modules where the public is served.

Restriction of the number of people who go up to elevators, and the prohibition of them being used by those who work on the first two floors, except in cases where their health conditions prevent them from using the stairs

In addition, a videoconference was held with the CFE Corporate areas, with the purpose of explaining prevention measures and the operation of the epidemiological traffic light of the Ministry of Health.

The CFE has authorized the investment of 52.7 million pesos, through 698 allocations, 26.1% higher than that reported the previous week, in order to have hygiene and protection supplies for personnel.

The incidence of COVID-19 infections is 473 confirmed cases, of which only 6 are hospitalized, 5 are stable, and one is reported as delicate with a favorable evolution. This number represents 0.3% of the cases reported yesterday by the Ministry of Health and 0.6% of the total of our active staff.

Also, on June 15, the Ministry of Health reported 53,217 suspected cases of contagion nationwide, and the CFE reports 580, equivalent to 1.1% of the total reported by that Ministry. If these cases are compared with the personnel on duty as of yesterday, the contagion suspects represent only 0.7% of the CFE's workforce. Of the suspected cases reported, 8 are hospitalized, one is reported serious, the rest remain stable in isolation at home.

From June 8 to 15, the recovered persons went from 234 to 336, which represents 57.9% of the confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection.

We deeply regret reporting 25 deaths, for which CFE authorities and union representation have established communication with their families to provide the support they require. Said deaths in the CFE represent 0.1% of the 17,580 reported by the Health authorities.

Today we reaffirm our commitment to keep one of the pillars of the Mexican State operating. We will continue working for the welfare of all, together we will succeed.


Mtro. Rubén Cuevas Plancarte

In charge of the Office of the Corporate Administration Management

Original source can be found here.