Digital platform leads to first quarter surge for Eternity Mexico

Eternity Mexico's digital platform ELIS allows its customers to track its shipping efficiently.
Eternity Mexico's digital platform ELIS allows its customers to track its shipping efficiently. | Pixabay

Eternity Mexico has seen its digital tracking platform ELIS surge in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic increased the need for importers and exporters to have real-time information on international shipments, American Shipper reported. With ELIS, customers can monitor international purchase orders "from start to finish"  the story said.

“The reception to ELIS by our customers was really amazing," Nicolas Portenza, president of Eternity Mexico told American Shipper. "The engagement between them and the platform was really fast due to the easy-going interaction that the platform offers and the rapid speed to receive an immediate answer to the common daily activities that our customers need to keep an accurate supply chain operation.” 

With the help of ELIS, Eternity Mexico saws it business grow 28% in the first quarter compared to the same quarter in 2019, American Shipper reported. Portenza said the digital platform is used for sea, air and land shipping.

Eternity, based in Mexico City, balanced a decrease in shipping with an increase in air freight. It is looking to increase the use of both ELIS and its Asia-Mexico Index which shows customers the average cost of shipping from Asia to Mexico, American Shipper reported.